ICA Boston
Bring art to life.
Regardless of having a strong physical community, ICA Boston doesn’t enjoy the same reputation in the digital world. This project hopes to raise awareness among audiences in the digital world and invite more people to join this intimate art community.
ICA Boston is making efforts to curate excellent exhibitions and events including live performances, talks, parties, in-person workshops, music performances, all kinds of events that tie back to their mission—which is to deliver art in all media.
During this post-pandemic era, people are adapting a new hybrid normal, that is to include both in-person activities and digital experiences, especially online activities that are fun, provide new knowledge or perspective, relaxation, and connection. Source
Contemporary art is the art of today. It echoes the current society and is made by artists who are living today. Source
People want to feel more connection and relevancy. Survey shows people are interested in Behind The Scene and artist content. Also, 89% of people hope arts organizations change to be more relevant to more people. Source
People only care about things that are meaningful to them.
The TA
Young adults who spend lots of time in the digital world, who are interested in art but usually interact with it in leisure time.
Bring art to life.
Make contemporary art and ICA Boston meaningful to the audience with relevancy and connection. Make them want to interact with us on a daily basis.
Media Plan
Imagine a cozy coffee chat with your favorite contemporary artists and professionals. Welcome to Let’s Not Talk About Art First—we're not your average art podcast. Every week, join us in warm, inspiring conversations with today's artists, delving into relevant topics and their personal stories.
We promise it’ll feel like making friends with the artists and NOT a scholarly discussion.